Astronauts step out for final spacewalk of mission

Astronauts step out for final spacewalk of mission

New space water recycling system has hiccups

New space water recycling system has hiccups

Astronaut who lost tool bag admits making mistake

Astronaut who lost tool bag admits making mistake

Astronaut outside space station loses tool bag

Astronaut outside space station loses tool bag

Crew boards shuttle Endeavour for evening launch

Crew boards shuttle Endeavour for evening launch

NASA fuels shuttle Endeavour for evening launch

NASA fuels shuttle Endeavour for evening launch

NASA delays repair mission to Hubble telescope

NASA delays repair mission to Hubble telescope

Hubble shuttle flight faces higher space junk risk

Hubble shuttle flight faces higher space junk risk

NASA moves space shuttle Atlantis to launch pad

NASA moves space shuttle Atlantis to launch pad

Astronauts take another spacewalk for tamer job

Astronauts take another spacewalk for tamer job

NASA: Missing clip no threat to re-entry

NASA: Missing clip no threat to re-entry

Astronauts wrap up space station work

Astronauts wrap up space station work

Space news: Astronauts anchor lab to space station, and Mars lander gets more playtime before real work

Space news: Astronauts anchor lab to space station, and Mars lander gets more playtime before real work

Galaxy's youngest known supernova is 140 years old

Galaxy's youngest known supernova is 140 years old

NASA: Hubble mission delayed until fall for fuel tank work

NASA: Hubble mission delayed until fall for fuel tank work

New European cargo ship docks at space station, delivers food, water and clothes

New European cargo ship docks at space station, delivers food, water and clothes